The Brevard/Transylvania Chamber, Heart of Brevard, and The Transylvania Alliance have partnered to create the Transylvania COVID-19 Task Force will present a “town hall”-style webinar meeting on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, from 4:00-6:00pm. Each panelist will provide a 5-10 minute presentation/update from their area of expertise, followed by a Q/A of live and previously submitted questions. 

Topics/Speakers likely to include:

  1. COVID community health update – Elaine Russell, Transylvania County Public Health 
  2. SBA economic injury loans – Sharon Harvey, Small Business Administration
  3. Cash flow and financial management tips – Michelle Tracz, CPA
  4. Employee layoffs and unemployment – Jason Chappell, NC Works 
  5. Legal advice for employers – Steve Williamson, The Van Winkle Law Firm
  6. Task Force update and resources
  7. Q/A from attendees

Registration is required and free. Click here to register.


The Henderson County Chamber is hosting a webinar using the Zoom platform. “COVID-19 & Employment Law Update Zoom Seminar” will be held Thursday, April 2, 2020, from 11:00am until 12:00pm. Steve Williamson from The Van Winkle Law Firm will be hosting this Q&A seminar – specific questions should be submitted to no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, April 1st. Registration is free and limited to the first 100 people to sign up.